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Creating opportunities for



Handbook of Experiential Teaching in Counselor Education:

A Resource Guide for Counselor Educators

The purpose of this text is to assist faculty and instructors with selecting effective and creative teaching strategies that address the CACREP standards. As counselor educators prepare to teach CACREP courses this handbook will prove to be a valuable resource. 


If you are interested in learning more about how to get involved with writing and publishing click on the link!


Clinical Interventions for Counseling Children and Adolescents:

A Toolbox for School-Based Therapist and School Counselors


This book is designed to provide a toolbox of counseling interventions that both school and clinical mental health counselors can utilize when working with children and adolescents and the wide range of issues they present with. These issues include learning disorders, self-esteem issues, bullying, LGBTQIA youth, family issues,  trauma and much more.

A Letter from the Editors

To our Professional Writers, 


As a long time counselor educator, I am always looking for new and creative ways to engage students in the classroom as well as offer them practical tools for practice.  These books, Handbook of Experiential Teaching: A Resource Guide for Counselor Educators and Clinical Interventions for Counseling Children and Adolescents: A Toolbox of for School-Based Therapists and School Counselors focus on experiential learning activities, which can be used on the spot in the classroom or clinical setting.


We are looking for contributors to submit completed chapters by August 1, 2018.


If you have any questions about submission please contact Jennifer Jordan at


We look forward to working with you.




Jennifer Jordan Ph.D., LPC, LPCS, NCC

Briana L. Perkins, M.Ed., LPCA, NCC, NLP-C

Chandler Cox, M.Ed., LPC-I, NCC

Have questions?


Dr. Jennifer Jordan

Winthrop University

146 Withers WTS Building

Rock Hill, South Carolina 29733


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